
Training & Placement

Information and Placement Bureau

There is a career guidance in the college besides one exists in the university, which provides information and placement for occupational and educational information, offers counseling in vocational, educational and personal matters to the students through regular notices. The information regarding admission, job and scholarship collected by the bureau is regularly displayed in the bureau office. The bureau arranges application forms and registration forms to the job seekers. The bureau also conducts extension lectures, psychological tests for vocational and personal guidance.


The students have to undergo practical/field training in the VII semester (Hands on training under Experiential Learning Programme) and VIII semester (In-Plant training/ Industrial training) of their Fourth Year. In these trainings the students are exposed to the practical aspects of the aquaculture and related subjects.

About Placement

The College has an Information and Placement Bureau (IPB), functioning since 2013. The IPB caters to the needs of students in respect of their placement by inviting companies and arranging on-campus recruitments for them; and also acquainting them about the emerging job trends globally. The bureau provides all technical facilities for presentations, written test, online test, group discussion and interviews to the recruiters.

Incharge-Placement Bureau
Placement Bureau
Department of Fisheries Resource Managemenet,
MPUAT, UDAIPUR – 313 001

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