
Department of Fisheries Resource Management

The Department of Fisheries Resource Management has UG lab and museum to display a variety of freshwater and marine aquatic animals. It has specimens, models, slides and Bio-visual charts to fulfill the students need.

Laboratory of Fisheries Resources Management

FRM Laboratory with large number of Fish and Shell Fish specimens, Scale reader, Models, Charts, Posters, Slides and Bio-visual charts.

Laboratory of AAHM

AAHM Laboratory equipped with Autoclave, Spectrophotometer, Electrophoresis Unit, UV Trans illuminator, Soxhlet Apparatus, Microtome, Student and CCTV Microscopes, Distillation Unit, Weighing Balance, Centrifuge etc.

Dr M.L. Ojha (Incharging In Sectional Farm )

Assistant Professor



Waiting for final approval

Waiting for final approval