The Department has well equipped laboratory for study of aquatic environment such as Water quality monitoring system with sensing probes for pH, EC, temp., DO meter, Eco-sounder, GPS, Current meter, inverted and stereoscopic microscope, Spectrophotometer, incubators, BOD incubator, Digital electronic balance, Digital camera, Distillation apparatus, Planimeter. Besides this a number of limnological equipments and water samplers such as Shallow water sampler, Nansen reversing bottle, Vandron’s sampler, Dredges, Core, Current meter, Ooze sucker, Sacchi disc, Turbidity meter etc are also available in the departmental laboratory for UG students.
Inverted and stereoscopic microscope, Spectrophoto-meter, incubators, Flame Photometer, Light Meter, Weather Station, Autoclave, BOD Incubator, Digital Electronic Balances: Micro and Macro Balances, Moisture Balance, Digital Camera, Plankton Collection Nets, Plani Meter etc.
Soil and Water Quality analysis laboratory equipped with Water quality monitoring system analyzer, Field water analyzers and sensing probes for pH, EC, temperature., DO meter, Eco sounder, GPS, Current meter etc.
Professor and Head
0294 2426063; 09352519189
Waiting for final approval